The Therapies

Osteopathy, Cranial Osteopathy

The conditions that can osteopathically treated include:
(Click on the condition to find out more)

What is osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a system of treatment based on the idea that if the body’s structure, or musculo-skeletal system, is not right, then the body will not work at its best. Osteopathy treats the whole person, not just the area of the body causing symptoms, correcting the structural stresses that occur in joints, soft tissues or organs and allowing the body to heal itself.

Osteopathy was first developed in America by Dr Andrew Taylor Still, who was disillusioned with the conventional medicine of the time. After many years of research and clinical observation, he revealed his new medical philosophy to the world in1874 choosing the name ‘osteopathy’, ‘osteo’ meaning ‘bone’ in Greek and ‘pathy’ meaning suffering.

What is Cranial Osteopathy?

Cranial Osteopathy is a subtle yet powerful form of osteopathy that uses gentle manipulative pressure focused on the bones in the head.

Cranial Osteopathy was developed by Dr William Garner Sutherland, a student of Dr Still (see above). He discovered the so-called Involuntary Motion, or Cranial Rhythm, a delicate movement of fluid around the spinal cord and its relationship with the cranial bones. The behaviour of the Cranial Rhythm gives the practitioner an insight into the strains on the body, allowing him to help restore the patient’s health.

”As I sit with my hands upon the patient, I learn how trauma has established itself in the whole person”. Dr W.G. Sutherland

Cranial osteopathy is a gentle treatment particularly suitable for children, babies and the elderly.



Homotoxicology (also known as bio-diagnostics) is a modern form of homoeopathy, that bridges classical homoeopathy and modern medicine. It was devised by a German doctor, Dr Hans Heinrich Reckeweg, during the 1940s and 50s. He developed a system of homoeopathy using combinations of homoeopathic remedies to bring about healing.

Homotoxicology regards disease as the result of toxins within the organs and tissues, which the body is unable to get rid of. Once the toxins are removed, successful healing can take place. If the toxins are suppressed, they may then go deeper into the body tissues, and this may in time, lead to serious degenerative illnesses.

Homotoxicology is suitable for children and adults.


An initial consultation for new patients will last up to one hour. A case history will be taken and the patient will be asked for the names of any medication currently prescribed to them. Follow up appointments will last approximately 30 minutes. Patients generally require several appointments to clear their problems.

A bio-diagnostics testing machine is used to assess the health of different organs and body tissues and allows treatment to be targeted very specifically. This is done by testing the conductivity of the skin at a number of acupuncture points on the hands and feet. This process is non-invasive and painless.

Patients are requested not to apply hand cream or body lotion to their hands or feet before an appoint-ment as this can affect the bio-diagnostics reading. Anyone with mobility problems can be treated in a downstairs room. Please let us know beforehand.

Most patients require three visits or fewer. However, chronic illnesses may take longer.

The machine used can also test for allergies and sensitivities, although elimination of the toxins in the system generally sorts out the allergy.


Biopuncture (Homeopathic Mesotherapy)

Biopuncture is relatively new to the UK but has been used for some years in Continental Europe. It is a technique whereby remedies are applied via injections directly to an area of the body that is dysfunctional, encouraging the body’s own healing mechanisms. Some practitioners have likened the effect of applying remedies in this way to creating a turbo charge for the body’s healing processes. The technique is particularly effective for treating pain, chronic inflammation and degenerative changes. It can also be used for cosmetic purposes.


Asyra Bioresonance Hair Analysis

For patients who are unable to get to the clinic we offer hair analysis. The Asyra Bioresonance machine is able to analyse the sample comparing the electronic signatures of the sample with a detailed database. This information allows the practitioner, along with information gleaned from the case history to prescribe remedies to help the condition(s) presented. Full instructions how to obtain hair for analysis is given when booking.