Centres of Excellence in Complementary Medicine
There are a number of reasons for hip pain, such as a tight, strained or overused muscle in the hip or from the joint itself. Pain in the hip can sometimes be the result of an injury, it can be referred from the back or related to the way a person moves, stands and/or uses the hip.
Pain from osteoarthritis or wear and tear in the hip joint is also common. Osteopaths can help manage the stiffness by looking at the way the hip moves, strengthening and stretching the muscles, gently massaging the hip muscles and stretching the hip joint to reduce tension and improve the mobility of the joint, as well as working on the secondary problems like backache.
X-rays, scans and other tests are sometimes required to make a diagnosis and an osteopath may make a referral to a GP or a specialist for any additional investigations or treatment.